Affidavit of Thomas Drake, son of Elijah & Abigail Drake

State of Michigan

County of Oakland

Thomas J. Drake of Pontiac in said County being sworn deposes & says that he is fifty years of age that he was born on the 18th day of April, One thousand seventeen hundred and ninety eight. That he is the Son of Elijah & Abigail Drake the persons mentioned in the annexed declaration of the said Abigail and as such son has known them since his earliest recollection that the said Elijah Drake the father of the deponent died at Royal Oak in the County of Oakland aforesaid on the eighth day of April A.D. 1847, until which time from deponents earliest knowledge that said Elijah and Abigail lived together as husband & wife & reared a family of ten children of whom three were older than this deponent. He further says that said Elijah for some years previous to his death lived at Royal Oak aforesaid and was a pensioner as a private in the Revolutionary War and drew his pension delivered in said state o Michigan. That this deponent was at the funeral of the said Elijah Drake, that the said Abigail who made the annexed declaration is the identical Abigail Drake, the widow of the said, deceased Elijah Drake, therein named. That she is in the family believed to be about eighty two years of age & remains the widow of said Elijah & unmarried, further he says not.

Taken 19 day of April 1853.

Thomas Drake

Witnessed: Alfred Madney, Clerk

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An affidavit from Elijah Drake taken at Genesee County, New York 15 July, 1833. Telling of his war record.

Another affidavit in 1853 from Abigail Drake to secure pension.

An affidavit from Joseph Copeland, 11 day of April 1853;

A letter from MORGAN DRAKE to the Pension's office explaining that records were kept that good in the early times. That is the reason she doesn't have anything to verify her marriage to Elijah. He lived at Portage, MI. He handled the papers as he again writes April 19, 1853 sending the papers for pension.


Lillian D. (Mrs. A. B.) Avery

701 Lawrence St.

Pontiac, MI Oct 24, 1899

Mrs. Flora Blain Wood, State Center, Iowa dated Oct 14, 1919

L. C. Drake

57 Wilcox t. Detroit Michigan

In answer to Mr L. C. Drake:

Department of Interior

Bureau of Pensions

Washington D. C. January 10th, 1899


In response to a personal inquiry on the party of Hon. George Spalding, I have the honor to advise you that Elijah Drake made application for pension on July 15, 1833, at which time he was 72 years of age and residing at Gainesville, N.Y and his pension was allowed for nine months' actual service as a private in the Penna. troops, Revolutionary War. He enlisted from Northampton County, Pa. and served under Capt. Schoonhoven and Col. Stroud. In 1835 the soldier moved to Oakland County, Michigan

His widow Abigail, made application and received a pension for the service of her husband as above set forth.

Respectfully, Commissioner