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Drake family related Surnames Databases
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Cole - Drake and "Crowndale"
From: Lindy Nelson
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 10:08 AM

Hello Roy:

I have checked out the Drake web site, but I have a question concerning the COLE line, My family was COLE from Morwellham, Parish of Tavistock. I'm working from a scrapbook and among the pages of the book I have the erection of the statue of Sir Francis Drake in the village of Tavistock in 1883. Family folklore, said, my family had lived on the estate owned by Sir Francis Drake. According to the article concerning the erection. of the statue, It says," Sir Francis was only born on the farm called, "Crowndale". also in one of the cottages.

So part of the family folklore is correct and part wasn't. Although Family Folklore, said, my family lived in one of the Cottages, As far as I know my Cole family only worked on the estate farm of Crowndale, but I'm only back to c1788- perhaps 1750. I'm having difficulty due to repetitive first names ..for example, " George "
My G.G.Grandfather George COLE was killed on Crowndale March 13, 1868 when attached by a violent cow. While my G.Grandmother said, they had lived on Crowndale, I have not been able to prove this by census records. It is possible they did live there for only a short time. Perhaps, just before her father, George Cole was killed. I suppose it is also possible some of her father's ancestors lived on Crowndale, in one of the cottages, but I doubt I'd ever be able to figure this out.

I wondering if you can answer this question? Do you by chance know if anyone has done the COLE side of the family research, which would have been connected to Margaret Cole who married John Drake.? Looking for siblings of Margaret -

A bit of what I've found in the family Scrapbook http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/9479 sorry this site needs to be up-dated badly also host for Temiskaming GenWeb http://www.geocities.com/heartland/farm/8263 Part of Ontario GenWeb & Canada GenWeb. Also have just place an index for Mary Ann (Shepherd) COLE's scrapbook on Genuki Devon's Book indexing site with the help of Brian Randell. http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/genuki/DEV/indexingproject.html
Linda Nelson, #DFHS #8887
Haileybury, Ontario, Canada
Surname Interests:-
COLE, Milton Abbott
CHAPPELL,Wilton >Plymouth, CHEGWYN, (Stowford > Plymouth, RAPSONS, Plymouth
SHEPHERD, Kilkhampton, Cornwall >Tavistock
TUCKER, Appledore, Devon, > Bristol, Somerset