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History makers gather
REUNITED: Enjoying the RVN 2 reunion at the Wagga RSL Club on Saturday night are some of the people there on the first night of broadcast on June 19, 1964, from left, Richard Gray, newsreader Paul Griffiths, Stan Gooch, Vivienne Tucker, Jeff Meyer, Dorothy Longfield, Bruce Hogan, Kevin Olsen and David Font. Picture: BRETT KOSCHEL
History makers gather
WHEN the first broadcast went to air on June 19, 1964 the general manager considered it the blind leading the blind. On the weekend, a 40 year reunion was held at the RSL Club with almost 150 former employees of RVN 2, including many who were involved in the first bulletin seen on Wagga television screens. ?We all came from different areas of expertise and learnt new skills, multi tasks and I spent time training a lot of people as well,? reunion
organiser and one of the employees back in 1964, David Font said. ?Paul Griffiths was the original newsreader and the first person seen in Wagga at 7pm.? Mr Font said it was an enjoyable social occasion which included videos shown from a data projector of the opening bulletins. ?Paul Griffiths was reminiscing about interesting stories we had completely forgotten about and we often would have preferred to forget
about,? he said. He said people travelled from Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and locally, some in high profile positions with their time in Wagga working at RVN 2 and Prime Television (which took over in 1989) proving to be a good start in their careers. ?I think it is a very successful company, and was a very successful training ground for many who are still working in the industry in capital cities,? he said.