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Family History Society Singleton inc
Pioneer family images sfhs Family History Society Singleton inc
LIBRARY: 74 George Street, Singleton 2330
POSTAL ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 422 Singleton NSW 2330

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Churches, Graves, Homesteads, Houses and Families.

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The SFHS Gazette is now available in the PDF format. We are asking all members as well as Societies that receive our newsletter, to reply with their e-mail address so that we can send the newsletter by e-mail in an attempt to reduce our costs. The email address to reply to is: You must be a financial member ( or become one ) to be able to receive the Gazette.
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 1) Type in say "ABRAHAM ANDREWS" ( with the "double quotation marks") and once the search has been completed, every webpage that has a ABRAHAM ANDREWS mentioned will appear as an index.
 2) Also try your search this way "ANDREWS, ABRAHAM" as some databases have been sent to me in that format.
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